In the round-up: Esteban Ocon is pleased with a rule change for the 2019 F1 season.

What they say

A new rule for 2019 will establish a minimum weight for drivers, which is good news for Ocon:

Q: Do you like the driver weight rule change for 2019?

That’s good. I’m the tallest [driver]. I’m not the heaviest. I have margin on that. It’s going to be good to build up much more.

Has that been a problem throughout your career?

[Being] tall? Yes. I’ve never been heavy. I’ve always been on the light side. But [being] tall has been an issue in Formula Renault, GP2. That’s also a reason why I went to DTM, because the car was quite small and I was not fitting well.

Is it true you had a problem fitting in the Mercedes simulator?

Yes. The Mercedes car too, to be honest. It was not very comfortable but we managed to find a way at the end. The simulator, we managed to improve that, but it’s always harder in the real car to find space.

It’s more the legs, I have long legs, that’s more the issue.

Quotes: Dieter Rencken

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Valtteri Bottas, MercedesValtteri Bottas, Mercedes

Valtteri Bottas was in Italy to receive the Trofeo Bandini last weekend.


More motor racing links of interest:

Spanish Grand Prix: Race Advance (Haas)

“Now that they’re throwing in this new aero regulation for 2019, we maybe need to change our plan. Those decisions will be made in the next week.”

Valtteri receives prestigious Bandini trophy (Mercedes)

“It’s not every day you see a Formula One car on public roads. In fact, it very rarely happens. But, Valtteri was let loose on the streets of Northern Italy as part of the spectacular 2018 Bandini Trophy celebrations.”

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